
Let's imagine a holiday without knowing where we are going, a company without a plan for the future or a municipality without a long-term strategy. The risk of failure is imminent. The same is true of a society without a vision for the future. A vision of the future does not mean that the vision is there to be fulfilled...

In this way, you will completely distinguish yourself from existing political parties and attract the attention of the people and hopefully media.

Source criticism is the critical examination of source material and the assessment of the credibility of claims made in a source of information. Source criticism is a key scientific method for assessing the credibility of information provided by a source. The criteria involve asking who is the author of the source (what knowledge the person has),...

Some people want social revolutions, as a way of clearing out what hasn't worked and starting afresh. It begins with frustration and dissatisfaction with what is happening in society and often ends with mass protests, destruction, rage, bloodshed and massacre of the ruling elite. The French Revolution is a prime example that has been carefully...

Why do we need new political parties when we already have many in Parliament? Why not join an existing party and try to make an impact? Why start a new political party when it is so incredibly difficult to get into the Parliament? These are some of the questions we should be asking ourselves, because Sweden needs a much...

I would guess that a large part of the population is quite happy with being able to choose a political party every four years. After all, there are many countries that do not have this option or where elections are unfairly rigged. But is this really democracy? I certainly don't think so!

Even though we know that energy is critical for human survival and the society we have built, there is still a tendency to avoid broad and deep discussions on the subject. Perhaps it is too big and complex. Some of the many important perspectives include:

In a previous blog post I wrote that capitalism and artificial intelligence cannot coexist because the winner takes it all, which is why the era of capitalism is coming to an end. I also recommended a collaborative economy as the best option. In this perspective, it is interesting to discuss whether a collaborative economy is less efficient than...

Think about going on a vacation to Hawaii and spending all your time sitting looking at TV programs showing people on vacations. Does it not seems stupid and a waste of time? Nevertheless, this is how most people spend their free time through TV series, news, videos, pictures, blogs, posts, advertising and chatting about others.

If you frequently wonder why our society is so reactive, you are not alone! Most of the working time spent by, for example, politicians, NGOs, social researchers and technicians is focused on trying to fix problems that should not have existed in the first place, or should have been considerably smaller, in a well functioning society. In fact, if...

Is it a core strategy by the power elite or an unintended side-effect of the media industry, that billions of people are kept busy with trivial things? It is difficult to say but it has severe consequences. Before exploring the subject let us sort out the concepts of power elite, media industry, trivial and busy.

You have certainly experienced anxiety many times and perhaps even fear. We all have! To clarify, fear is when you face a real threat and anxiety when your brain is imagining dangers that might happen. There is a difference between occasional and persistent anxiety. The latter permeates society in many ways. I will name some examples

Liberalism is a political ideology rooted in the 18th century freedom revolutions, the Enlightenment and the scientific revolution. In general, supporters of liberalism tend to advocate openness, tolerance and democracy, value freedom and justice, and be critical of power. Liberals emphasize that the individual should be protected from...

I suppose that nobody has escaped the fact that our civilization is permeated by global challenges and societal problems, to the degree that we approach the abyss. Why do humans create all these problems, despite more knowledge than ever and a growing general intelligence. Christopher Ingraham from The Washington Post refers to an article in the...

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