What is the evidence of an impending collapse?
There is always a natural reason for everything that happens
The evidence of an impending collapse are, among others:
- More and more serious global challenges and societal problems
- Political passivity (populism, extremism, short-term action, marginal change)
- Quarterly economy
- Degenerated values (egoism, consumerism, etcetera)
- Increased social entropy (divorce, conflict, abuse, ill health, protests, terrorism, etcetera)
- Reduced holistic view (fragmented media reporting, increased specialization)
- High consumption instead of sustainable long-term investments
- Poor health (sick leave, early retirement, general health, drug consumption)
- Extensive exploitation of limited natural resources
- Heavy bureaucracy and oversized legal system
- Growing class differences and concentration of power
- Extreme specialization (> 2500 occupations, educational problems)
- Low resilience to "disturbances" (super strong solar storm, financial crash, pandemic, fuel shortage, etcetera)
- Real political control is outside the Parliament (specialists, companies, elite, media)
- State and private surveillance is growing rapidly
- The security and insurance industry is booming
- Life is experienced hard, insecure and meaningless
- Welfare works worse and worse (health care, care for the elderly, infrastructure, sickness compensation, etcetera)
- Poverty is increasing and becoming more visible (beggars, social security contributions, more young people living with parents)
- Indebtedness increases (private, state)
- The education system is falling apart (lower study results, outdated knowledge, stressed students)
- Economic decadence (loan-financed consumption, consumption abuse, long journeys, luxury cars, etcetera)
- Increased loneliness and superficial e-relationships (social media)
- Traditions diminish in importance (indifference)
- Morality decays (internet porn, trafficking, sex habits)
- Corruption is increasing (companies, municipalities, state)
- Drugs are decriminalized (in some countries)
- Diminished quality in art, music, culture, literature, philosophy, fashion, TV programs, etcetera.
- Destruction increases (windows, arson, etcetera)
- Nationalism, racism and discrimination increase (political extremes)
- The legitimacy of international authorities decreases (UN, EU, etcetera)
- War does not end (constant conflicts)
- Increased polarization (city/country, left/right, rich/poor, etcetera)
- Police do not manage their work (private security guards, walls, surveillance, volunteer guards)
- The rule of law is declining (overload, corruption, fear of testifying)
- Animal ethics declines (meat factories, antibiotics, long transports of animals)
- Widespread greed (severance pay, CEO salaries, bonuses, etc.)
- Accelerating rate of change