What is the role of the state in wisdom augmentation?

When people hear that the state should be involved in wisdom development, many would probably hesitate, mainly because they do not want the state to influence how people think. We are of the same opinion. The only responsibility of the state is to facilitate the infrastructure for wisdom augmentation, because otherwise it is impossible to involve the whole population in ditto and make necessary radical reforms. What does this mean in practice? Let´s look at the different wisdom developing proposals and how they may be assisted by the state.

Reduced working time by two hours per day (read more)

State responsibility:

  • Change legislation to fit the proposal
  • Ensure production of short presentations of various subjects as stimuli in dialogues (mainly video clips)
  • Ensure production of training programs for facilitators of dialogues
  • Ensure payment to participators

Digital outdoor communication (read more)

  • Ensure a plan to involve different actors to stimulate the production of questions, facts, statements, wise slogans, positive images, role models, environmentally friendly initiatives, etcetera to be put on outdoor communication
  • Ensure a new app that works with the outdoor communication
  • Rent space on outdoor communication and invest in new ditto

Digital media (read more)

  • Ensure that the same kind of information put on digital outdoor communication, will be put in digital media, for example Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Wechat, TikTok, electronic books, public service and TV-channels. 

Changed agenda setting and journalism in the daily press (read more)

  • Ensure long-term discussions with media actors and journalists concerning a new media agenda
  • Ensure financial stimuli for media actors that embark on a new media agenda

Wisdom development in the Parliament and government officials? (read more)

  • Ensure that all Members of Parliament involve in weekly dialogues similar to workers and others

Reformed education system (read more)

  • Ensure that everyone has lifelong learning opportunities for free
  • Ensure that education will be personalized, "mastery-based" and experimental, and simultaneously seminar based, according to proposed reformed education system
  • Ensure strong stimulus of investments in AI-based education
  • Ensure that the education system use front-line information and communication technology (ICT)

Peaceful civil defense duty, for young people aged 16-25 (read more)

  • Ensure that an adequate peaceful civil defense duty is designed and implemented, according to proposal

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